Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Walking Bare Foot...My Year Anniversary of Singledom!

Before I start, let me just say a late Merry Christmas to everyone! I've been at home with the family enjoying everything that our Christmas traditions bring about, including homemade (from scratch) the way I did most of the work this year and mom and I made over 100 ravs! I've also been indulging myself with lots of sweets...cannolis, sfogliatelli, stocking stuffers, chocolate covered pretzels, etc. By the time New Years comes around, I'm going to have gained at least 5 pounds, maybe more....oh man, am I going to have to rollerblade and work out a ton to get this off!  We also did our traditional midnight mass celebration followed by opening presents in the early morning and going to bed around 3 or 4am. So far, it's been a great break and a much needed one!

So, why am I writing today? Today marks my one year anniversary of singledom! And when I say singledom, I mean completely single. I haven't had any routine friends with benefits, no unofficial relationships that didn't turn into anything....I've literally had nothing at all. This is very interesting, for you see, I have never gone a whole year without a boyfriend, or at least not without a friend with benefits to call up and have come over right away. I have to say, I am kind of proud of myself for being unattached for a whole year!

See, last year on December 28, Roberto broke up with me and I thought my life was over, but what I didn't realize then was that it was really just the beginning! I've done so many things that I wanted to do over the last year and although at times I do get lonely, I realize I am so better off not being with him. He probably would have held me back.

Here's a recap of the awesome things I've done this year  that I may not have been able to do if I were still with Roberto (and I'm probably missing some, but this is what I could think of):

I went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter twice, got to see my best friend from college twice during these trips, and FINALLY went to Universal! I've lived in Florida for 7 or 8 years now and it seriously took me this long to!

I finished all my classes for my Master's degree, plus I completed my exit exam! Now all I have to do is finish my thesis and I'm out of here!

I bought my own SCUBA gear and have been a hell of a lot more than I used to in undergrad! I have more bottom time under my belt, I feel more comfortable in the water, and I'm also a member of our Scientific Diving Program! Go me! Oh...and last February I went on a shark dive in Jupiter, which I am totally doing again this year!!!

I am a volunteer (although I really need to get more involved because I haven't done much at all) with the Marine Animal Rescue Society (MARS) and have been trained on how to handle injured whales, dolphins, and manatees!

I've also, although not lately because I've been bad, been doing more Zumba classes, as well as rollerblading along the beach. I also joined our intramural softball team...most of the time I played 3rd of my favorite positions!!

I FINALLY visited Key West, visited my friend out there for his Navy Commission Ceremony, which was pretty cool! I walked everywhere on the island, partied at Rick's, got chocolate covered Key Lime Pie, and had a blast! Now to go diving and camping there.....and also possibly sky diving there!

Last March I got a kitten...a sweet little Calico who has tuffs of hair on the tip of her ears, making her look like a miniature bobcat! She is definitely better company than any of the guys I've met in Florida! lol I miss her so much....I had to board her in order to come home this year for the holidays. It's my longest time away from her and I felt so guilty dropping her off at the vet...I didn't think I was going to cry, but I definitely did!

I also went to a Salsa dancing club this year and re-learned a few basic steps! You know me and dancing...I just love it!

So really, I've done a lot this year....a lot of which I either wouldn't have been able to do or would have had to drag Roberto along too. Sometimes I look at couples and I get very bitter, really upset....but then I think to myself, 'Wait a second...I don't have to have the pressure to do things I don't want to, I don't have to get in petty fights over things, I don't have to plan my schedule around someone else, I don't have to waste gas money and miss entire weekend and awesome times with friends because I have to drive 4 hours to see my ex, I can do what I want when I want....this is GREAT!'

I'm walking bare foot right now and I LOVE IT!

And now I leave you with the words of Barney Stinson: Everyone I know is getting married or pregnant...I'm just getting more awesome!

Have a good New Years people! I'm out!

Until Next Time,
Reaching for Reefs

Thursday, December 1, 2011



For a while now, I've been recording dates of every time I smell smoke in my apartment...That's right! First let me to describe to you how I can smell cigarette smoke, which is not mine (I have never touched a cigarette in my life). See, the apartment complex I live in used to be an Inn, that they then converted into apartments and my apartment shares a door with my neighbor's. I ALWAYS keep this door locked and I have my dresser and boxes against it, just in case my crazy neighbor tried to pull anything on me. This connecting door has a pretty big gap at the bottom and so air can travel between our apartments pretty easily. The first time I realized this was when my neighbor complimented my on the perfume I was wearing and asked what brand it was...that's how bad the gap is.

Getting back to what I was saying, a few months before Memorial Day was the first time I smelled cigarette smoke emanating from his apartment. Apparently, my neighbor's brother was visiting and was too handicapped to go outside to smoke, so they both sat inside smoking. I walked in to my apartment a bit hazy and immediately started to hack and cough so hard that I actually pulled a muscle in my abdomen which hurt for about a week! I immediately knocked on his door, asked him if he had been smoking, and asked him nicely if he could stop, because I have "smoke allergies" and "asthma." Also, I explained that I would rather not have my clothes smelling of smoke and that I do not want to get cancer. Months went by and then on Memorial Day (5/30/10), I again smelled smoke. I was rather irritated, because I had already done the neighborly thing and gone over and asked him nicely myself. I again went next door and asked him to please stop smoking. I also told him that if this happens again I would "Get management involved." He looked at me rather shocked...I guess not expecting that I had the nerve to say that, because usually I'm very sweet to my neighbors. On August 5, 2011 I came home at midnight to, yet again, my room filled with smoke. This time I texted our apartment manager and told him that my neighbor has been smoking in his apartment, that I had already talked to him twice, and that I wanted him to talk to him again. I don't know if he ever talked to my neighbor, but about a month later (9/16/11) I smelled smoke again, then  again on 11/3/11, then on 11/8/11 in which I woke up at 8:13am to smoke coughing. All the while I had been texting the apartment manager about his, asking him to seriously talk to the JACKASS, because now I was getting PISSED OFF, or seal off my door. Still to no avail, my neighbor continued to smoke in his apartment...and now we come to tonight, 12/2/11.

I had shut off my A/C before I went to bed, because it's starting to be just cool enough here that I don't need why waste energy, ya know! I awake at 1:00am to my cat making the strangest sound I have ever heard. At first I thought she was coughing up a hairball, but when I turned  on the light, there was no hairball in sight and she was just sitting on the floor wheezing. I started coughing and sat for a few minutes sniffing the air, thinking: 'Ok..this is not a coincidence that my cat's wheezing and so am I...and I faintly smell cigarette smoke in the air' I sat in bed for a while, the anger building and building til I was fuming, fantasizing about killing him or chopping off his was I PISSED! See, it's one thing to threaten my health, but my cat's?!!! I DON'T THINK SO. MY PETS ARE LIKE MY KIDS..FUCK WITH THEM AND YOU FUCK WITH ME!!! SHE'S INNOCENT..SHE HAS NO CHOICE IN THE MATTER AND NEITHER DO I REALLY!!! So, I went over there!!! Now listen, I know it's late at night, but this neighbor of mine is an insomniac and literally doesn't go to bed til 5am..

I RAPPED on the door...YEA, A NICE LOUD KNOCKING TO SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF HIM AND LET HIM KNOW I'M SERIOUS...he finally opens the door and I ask him if he has been smoking in there. HE STRAIGHT UP LIES TO he hasn't been. I look at him like 'Yea Right...Lie through your teeth you asshole.' I say: 'Really..because your apartment reeks of it. I've asked you nicely several times not to' and he says "I haven't been, I come outside..." and when I continue to give him a face that says 'YOU AIN't FOOLING NO ONE MISTER" he says..."Most of the time I come out here to smoke." Then he goes on to say that I should talk to your apartment manager and that "Until I pay [his] rent, he'll do what he wants and if I don't like it I can move!" BITCH, I WAS HERE FIRST..YOU LYING SACK OF DOG SHIT!!! And he has a dog too...that poor dog's gonna get cancer, asthma, emphyzema or something.  WHAT A FUCKING SELFISH PERSON, PUTTING ME AND MY CAT's HEALTH AT RISK! SERIOUSLY...WHAT THE FUCK EVER HAPPENED TO COMMON COURTESY! I try not to be too loud, not to vacuum too late at night or early in the morning...I TRY TO BE CONSCIENTIOUS OF OTHER PEOPLE AND THEIR NEEDS!!!! I'M SO FUCKING SICK OF THIS!!!

I know what my weekend projects going to be....SEALING THAT DOOR SHUT WITH STYROFOAM, WEATHERSTRIPPING, AND CAULK! And if the apartment manager goes apeshit about it, I DON'T FUCKING CARE, because I've asked him at least THREE TIMES to seal that door...SO FUCKING SUCK MY NON-EXISTENT COCK!!!

Oh man..I feel so much better now that I've got that off my chest. After talking to my neighbor and him not giving a fuck, I literally thought I was gonna knife somebody tonight! Oh btw, he totally was smoking and then tried to cover it up by spraying cologne, because now I can smell the cologne seeping into my room...

Anyway, hope everyone else's night is going better than mine and you are getting a decent sleep!

Until Next Time,
Reaching for Reefs

Friday, November 11, 2011

Reaching for Reefs Update....

Reaching for Reefs...where have you been?! Sorry everyone...Since my last post, a lot of things have occurred, both socially and school wise. I just finished my LAST CLASS of my MS degree :::Happy dance::::!!! Now I can move on to focusing solely on my thesis and getting out of here!

Halloween was a blast...even though I had to study that weekend for my last final! I went to a friend's party on Friday night, got a little shwasty, flirted hardcore with two guys, but nothing came from it...which was cool! I made the BEST jello shots ever! They are called "Dracula Bites"....Black Cherry Jello with Vanilla die for, literally! It was my first time making shots EVER and I ROCKED IT!!!  Oh, I also made some Graveyard Pudding Cake..complete with the Milano Cookie tombstones that read "RIP" in red gel, gummy worms, candy corn fence, and ghosts made out of whipped cream with mini chocolate chips for eyes! Oh and I was so excited, because I got to bob for apples and had the best time out of everyone at getting one! :)

I don't know if I told you this, but I'm obsessed with's my holiday! I go all out, more so than I do for Christmas! When I am settled down with a family, I'm going to be the house on the block that everyone wants to get invited to for the awesome Halloween party...have a room for the kids to have a small party in with all those games we used to play when we were younger, like sticking your hand in covered boxes and guessing that the "brain" was made out of, bobbing for apples, etc! I'm going to have a small haunted house in the backyard for neighbors to enjoy....and I'll hire a baby sitter, so that once it gets late and it's the kids' bedtimes, we can put them downstairs in the finished basement and let them have a sleep over, while the adult party begins!

Anyway, Saturday night I went to Miami and hung out with a few of my optometry friends. We ended up going out to a bar at 1:30am and stayed til 4am! Crazy! Oh...P.S. Guess who I dressed up as?!!! Hermoine...hell yea Harry Potter Dork over here!! :) I had the official robe, the official Hermoine wand, a 3/4 button up white shirt tied as a semi-belly shirt, grey pleated skirt, and black stockings!  I was pissed though, because at the bar I kept getting the question "Are you a Naughty School Girl or Teacher?" No No No! Don't you see the wand in my hand DAMN IT!

At this bar in Miami, I had a guy dressed up as a captain (Mr. Captain..Oooo!) come up and ask me that same question (probably the 5th time at least that night)...we got to talking and I found out he's an ocean engineer who went to the school right next to mine and works in the Bahamas. He tries to split his time evenly between there and FL. We talked about how he likes to kiteboard, how he knows how to play the guitar and how I want to learn, etc etc...He ended up asking me to dance, which I did, but sadly our dance rendezvous was cut short because I was being forced to leave. However, he did get my number and we have been texting back and forth, on and off, since that night.....texting....ahh I hate that everything has come down to that by the way! Whatever happened to having awesome phone conversations and actually hearing the person's voice?!

Last weekend I went to a "Zinfest" wine tasting with a few friends...bought 2 bottles of wine, got back to my friend's house (I was house sitting/dog sitting), got in her hottub and drank a half a bottle by myself! Oh bummer....a hot tub and no one to share it with! :( Oh well...I had fun by myself! :)  I went to bed and woke up to the cutest dog in the world staring at me with cute puppy eyes as if to say "Good morning!" and "I loved cuddling with you last night!" LOL

This weekend, I hope to continue my classiness by attending a "Tea for the Horses" benefit with high tea, scones, sweets, and wine grown up am I?! JK JK Hopefully this weekend will be more eventful so I can give you guys the dirt you want to know and deserve!!!

In the mean time, here's hoping Mr. Captain will be able to fly back from the Bahamas a weekend before Thanksgiving so I can see him before I fly home to spend Thanksgiving with  the fam (so excited to be back in's been too long)! We're supposed to "hang out"....whatever that means....

If I don't talk to you all before Thanksgiving....have a wonderful time! I hope you get to eat yourselves silly and be with all your loved ones....I will be stuffing myself with my mom's mashed potatoes, broccoli and cheese, and cinnamon yam delight! Oh how I LOVE all the side dishes at Thanksgiving (I could actually go without the turkey)!

Until Next Time,
Reaching for Reefs

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I want a story to tell!

First of all, I don't know what's up with me, but the last couple of nights I haven't been able to get to bed early and ya know, instead of putting that energy to good, productive use, like writing papers that are due at the end of the semester, I've been doing things like baking, decorating my house for Halloween (which by the way...looks KICK ASS!), and now writing to you favorite past time when it comes to procrastination!

Well, moving on....tonight I had an awesome friend date with Steph! We went to go see the Rom Com "What's your number?" (a movie which I can completely relate to!).  I am such a of my ex's used to poke fun at me, because whenever he called me up I'd either be watching a romantic comedy or watching the Disney channel...whatever! Maybe I'm a little bit cliche when it comes to my choice in movies, but it's not like I don't enjoy other genres....I just have a tendency to want to flip on the tv, curl up in my bed, and watch something sweet, sappy, and sometimes something that's uplifting! 

Anyway, "What's my number?" got me thinking....I know movies are movies and things never happen the way they do in them, but I really hope I have a good story to tell about how I met my husband! I want a story like my mom and dad' dad calling my mom's company, about to chew them out for mislabeling chemicals they sent to his company, my mom calming him down, my dad liking the sound of my mom's voice, which led to a whole year of talking on the phone over lunch breaks until they finally decided to meet up! Then my mom was so nervous she told my dad one of her sister's had blue hair and blonde eyes! And my dad knew after the second date that he was going to marry my mom....

Do this instances still exist? Do people have good stories to tell? This is one of the reasons why I think I may be over the online dating thing, besides meeting a bunch of weirdos....Do I really want to tell my children that I met their father online?

No, no, no! I want something bigger and better to happen....for instance, like being in the pet store buying something for my kitten, when I bump into someone, because I was in a rush and wasn't paying bag of cat food breaks and spills all over the place, we both bend down to pick it up, and I look up into his beautiful blue eyes and he asks if I'm ok and I say, "Yes, thank you" and one thing leads to another and he asks me out on a date (I know, I cheesy and cliche, but whatever...this is my daydream damn it and I can have whatever I want happen in it!). 

Or maybe I'm out in a park running on a trail...Wait! Who am I kidding...ME? RUNNING?! hahaha....let's what about me kayaking in a park, enjoying a nice day on the water with a good friend, when we both get stuck in the mud (We didn't plan our trip very well according to the tides)....we try to push and push with our paddles, but no such luck. We get out and try some more, but our legs keep getting sucked down into the nasty clay-mud combination. Then two guys round the corner, notice we are having trouble, and offer to help us and our kayaks out of the mud. After we are free, we have a good laugh, because both my friend and I look savage...leaves and twigs in our hair, mud all we've been mud wrestling! We all get to talking, decide to return our kayaks to the rental station, wash up, and get some grub because we are starving after our little adventure!

I don't know if that will ever happen....maybe how I meet my future husband will be boring, but knowing me...probably not! It may not happen any time soon, but I just hope when I meet him I get this overwhelming feeling; the feeling that I know he's meant for my dad got on his second date with my mom!

Well, pleasant dreams everyone!

Until Next Time,
Reaching for Reefs

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Words/Things not to do on first dates (or any for that matter)!!

So, let's get down to it! I went on a first date last night with a guy I met from an online dating website...we'll call him Wells Fargo, because that's who he works for. I had straightened my hair, wore a nice new salmon colored blouse, a pair of jeans, and some cute 2-3" sandals with a black flower between the toes. I actually, to be quite honest, was not so excited about this date, because the last couple of guys I met online were just....ehhh (is all I can say). But I pumped myself up by listening to old school rap music while getting ready and doing my makeup! Ludacris Pandora station bitches!! :))

I get to the restaurant and have to park in another lot, because there's is tiny and full. The wind is whipping my hair around, it's getting in my mouth....great... I get to the door and I'm fixing myself before I go in and it's funny, because all the servers knew I was on a date: "Oh you look great..don't worry! He's in the back" LOL OMG and was it that obvious?!

I see Mr. Wells Fargo in the back and I make my way to our table. We say hello, shake hands, and start awkwardly talking.

Now guys, here comes the part you need to pay attention to:  Somewhere along in our conversation we ask each other how our days were. He proceeds to tell me a little about work. When I answer and say that I have been doing laundry and baking cookies all day, Wells Fargo replies with " you are a little domestic." WHAT?! DANGEROUS WORD to use, wrong, wrong wrong.......the last thing I want to be seen as is someone who would make a perfect housewife or something, cooking meals for my husband in a tiny apron and cleaning the house all day. Now a days you should NEVER call a girl domestic, especially when you know she's in a master's program working on getting a degree and a career! EW! I just looked at Wells and said "Um..yea I don't like that word.." and he said "Oh, sorry, you are a career woman, I meant a career woman." It would have been so much better if he said something like, "Oh what were you baking? I bet they taste really good!" or "I bet you're a good cook!"

It also didn't help his chances of getting a second date when he corrected me when I used the word "weird." He was asking about one of my piercings and asked if it hurt, I told him no and then started to tell him about all the other ones I had in undergrad that I took out. Then I said, "I guess you could say the only weird piercing I have left is my eyebrow now" and Wells says, "I don't like the word weird...I prefer 'unusual' or 'different' because it's not so negative"...Really? So now I'm getting a grammar lesson from you?! If I want to use the word weird, I'm going to use the word weird! Please, do not correct me!!

I'm going to tell you all this straight away...I do not accept compliments well or at least not when they have lost their credibility because they are used too often. Another thing that really annoyed me was Wells Fargo kept throwing out compliments like we were at a baseball game and they were baseballs. Within a matter of the 2 hours of our date he complimented me about my smile and asked if I had had braces (ok..that's not too bad), my shoes, how my shirt really compliments my complexion (uh..what?), my eyes and then almost dropped a corny pickup line, but stopped himself, and he kept saying things like: "It's not every day that I get to take a pretty girl out to dinner." Uhhh....omg I thought I was going to lose it. Like if you said two compliments that would be ok, but I felt like I was being bombarded and I felt like he was trying to impress me too much. I don't think all of his compliments were genuine and just bugged me.

It reminded me of whenever I go home and see my dad never compliments me unless he means it, they don't come as often as I would like, but that's ok....because I know he means it. Whereas with my mom, she's continually saying things like "Oh, that outfit is so nice on you!" "Reaching for Reefs, look so good in that" "That color is nice on you" "I love your hair.." etc etc...I feel like I'm being attacked with compliments. The first time my mom makes them, I try to accept graciously by saying thank you, but by the third time of saying the same thing or whatever, it's like I just want to scream 'ENOUGH ALREADY!' Maybe this is just a flaw of mine, but still, I don't think you should compliment a girl on every nice thing you see about some up for later! Ration your compliments a little bit...they will mean  more. And I told Wells Fargo pretty much the same thing I'm telling you here!

Lastly, the thing that kind of irked me at the end of the date, was when we stood up and walked back to our cars...he had said online that he was 5'6", but there was no way, because I was almost at eye level with my 2" sandals on. I know this is something that cannot be changed, but I just don't typically like really short guys. Idk..maybe my sandals were a lot higher than I think, but I'm 5 ft....with sandals that high I should not be looking directly into a guys eyes.

Oh, ya know....I thought of one more thing...the top 2 to 3 buttons on the shirt being undone. Yea,...don't do that! I  mean, Wells Fargo comes from a Greek background and all, but please...don't be that stereotype. Please do not open your top 2 to 3 buttons on your shirt, especially when you are pasty pasty white. It just does not look good. He looked like he was trying to be Guito (I'm allowed to say that, I'm Italian lol), the only thing he was missing was a gold chain with a cross or an engraved saint hanging from it. Just no!

I want to hear about some of your first dates and the ridiculous things the guys did or said, so please post! :))

Until Next Time,
Reaching for Reefs

P.S. This is what I should have told Wells Fargo when he said I was a little domestic: