Saturday, March 15, 2014

Vanilla to Caramel!

It's been a while...a long while....

To quickly catch you up:

I broke up with the Pilot and he's tried contacting me a few times within the last year, but I don't want him back. I have moved on. And it's so awkward with him (asking about my new boyfriend, etc) that there is NO WAY we can be friends....absolutely, positively not. God he was so boring. I have never ever been so bored in a relationship in my life. I'm glad that's over.

I have now been dating my boyfriend (Mr. IT Guy..not it, although who knows, Information Technology lol) for 9 months and it's going great! We moved in together only a month or so ago and so far, so good! I love him a lot and when I met him there was this electricity between us that I felt like the whole room could feel. We actually met at a speed dating event that my friend dragged me to. I remember that night....I was tired and I really didn't want to go, but my friend was insistent and thanks to her I met Mr. IT Guy, my Latin Lover, my Caramel :)

I don't want to jinx anything, so I don't want to write much. All I'll say is, I'm hoping that things keep going well between us and that maybe in 6 months to a year I'll have even more good news for you.

Thanks for staying with me, even though I have written in forever!

Until Next Time,

Reaching for Reefs